The Practice That Will Make Your Bad Days Better


Meeting a kindred spirit almost always feels life-giving. When Dr. Anna Roth and I first sat down to record a podcast together in 2019, we talked at length afterward about our own mental health experiences and why we both felt pulled, in our own ways, to make it easier for people to navigate life’s ups and downs. Throughout more conversations, we decided we wanted to create a course that spoke directly to people like us, those who have felt compelled to look outside the typical “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” self-help approach.

The Better Bad Days course has been nearly two years in the making and I’m so incredibly proud of what I’ve created with Dr. Anna Roth. This course, and the practices it’s introduced to me, has completely changed the course of my life and how I deal with my own ups and downs. It’s helped me learn how to create a new path for myself when bad days inevitably come. I’m so eager to share the same journey with all of you.

What is the course?

Better Bad Days is a five-step e-course designed to teach you how to feel better, break unhealthy patterns, and build self-confidence.

It’s not self-help. It’s self-leadership.

The course includes:

  • Audio lessons for on-the-go learning
  • Homework to reflect and keep you accountable
  • Guided meditations to bring the material youare learning outside inside

All of the materials are yours to come back to again and again.

Better Bad Days is a five-step e-course designed to teach you how to feel better, break unhealthy patterns, and build self-confidence.

The course curriculum was developed by Dr. Anna Roth, a holistic psychologist with more than a decade of experience in the mental health field, as an accessible way to help you prepare for better bad days. This is not a replacement for therapy. Rather, it’s a step-by-step course that will provide you with a better approach to any future bad days or moments, whenever they may occur. Consider it another tool in your toolbox; a way to tune into your feelings and respond with action and compassion instead of turning to old coping mechanisms that ultimately never help.

While this course, like any other healing journey, will require a time commitment on your part, please note that you’re welcome to move through the course at your own pace, whether it’s completing each of the five steps in a few hours, a few days, a week, or a month.

This course is for you if:

  • You have always wanted to feel better about yourself but you’re not sure how.
  • Your inner critic is the loudest voice in your head.
  • No matter what you do, you can’t quite get to feeling good enough.
  • You tend to put everyone else’s needs before your own.
  • You don’t really feel your limits until you’re way past them (blowing up or breaking down).
  • You struggle to advocate for your needs because you’re not totally sure what they are.
  • You avoid checking in with yourself because you’re afraid of what’s in there.
  • You are working or have worked with a therapist but you want to expand your self-care toolbox.

Sound familiar?

Why is the course in partnership with Wit & Delight?

Since starting Wit & Delight eleven years ago, I’ve been committed to talking openly about mental illness and reducing the stigma that so often surrounds it. While I’m not a mental health professional and would never claim to be, for more than a decade I’ve placed importance on making Wit & Delight a safe space for readers to feel seen and less alone in their struggles. Because this work has always been at the core of the ethos of Wit & Delight, building the Better Bad Days course with Dr. Anna is something that felt like a natural fit from the start.

You’ll be led by Dr. Anna through each step of the Better Bad Days course. While Dr. Anna’s expertise will be front and center, I’ll chime in with insights and reactions along the way. I’ll be taking the course, learning, and growing right alongside you.

When the next bad day arrives, feel prepared instead of panicked. Learn more here and sign up below to be the first to know when registration opens.
