The 3 Morning Habits I Practice to Have a Focused Day


The 3 Morning Habits I Practice to Have a Focused Day | Wit & Delight

The 3 Morning Habits I Practice to Have a Focused Day | Wit & Delight

This post is brought to you by Ritual.
Photos by Chelsey Werth

Remove the friction. 

If you are in marketing or sales, you may already be all too familiar with this phrase. For those of you who aren’t, it means to remove all the obstacles that are in the path to a goal. 

I’ve got a library card MBA. I’ve read dozens of business-minded, entrepreneurial, and how-to marketing books over the last few years. “Remove the friction,” or a similar iteration of the phrase, continually pops up in the text. Don’t make anything more challenging for the customer than it needs to be.

Morning Habits | Wit & Delight

Morning Habits | Wit & Delight

I’ve been applying this principle to W&D and my life. I know myself well enough to know that I’ll give up if there are any obstacles in my path. 

Last year, I was a member of the 5 a.m. club. Getting up wildly early (at least for me) was the only time of day I had to myself. No kids, no husband, no one responding to emails; it was just me. 

Not too long ago, a rather large “obstacle” hit all of us. Early rising meant nothing when time became meaningless. There was no schedule to abide by and no guardrails to follow. I would stay up late doomscrolling and wake up whenever, already feeling behind and sluggish.

So how does one remove the “barrier of everything going on”?  That’s the million-dollar question. I went back to basics, practicing the few methods I know I can do from home, no matter what happens in the world outside; three habits that have served me well in the ups and downs. 

  • Drink water. 
  • Journal. 
  • Take a multivitamin. 

I wish I had something revolutionary to share with you about how I prepare for my day, but I don’t. These three essential activities—staying hydrated, getting all of my thoughts, insecurities, hopes, and to-do lists out of my head and onto paper (my morning pages journal prompts are here!), and taking a daily multivitamin—are hands down the best way I can start my day.

To ensure that I remove all the friction from accomplishing these three tasks, I set myself up for success the night before. Each night, before I go to bed, I set out my journal and a glass of water at my desk, right next to my Ritual multivitamins. These items are in the same place, ready for me first thing in the morning. 

I had started a multivitamin routine using Ritual earlier this year but, well, 2020, right? I like that Ritual is formulated to help fill in the gaps in the diet, and I get the key vitamins I need. Ritual is also extremely transparent about their nutrients, sourcing, and their sustainability efforts. Each bottle is made with 100% recycled materials and they are working to offset the carbon emissions from each order. 

Ritual arrives at my doorstep monthly with a brand new bottle, making it easy to continue this healthy habit. Again, this removes the friction of depending on ME to remember to reorder when I’m running low.

Morning Habits | Wit & Delight

Morning Habits | Wit & Delight

It’s been a month since I’ve started back at it. I’m cautiously optimistic I can successfully (yet slowly) build upon these daily morning habits and create a healthier daily routine. 

There’s comfort in routine, especially when you’re practicing one that makes you feel better. 

Use code KATE10 and get 10% off your first three months of Ritual.

Ed. note: This post was sponsored by Ritual. The compensation we receive in exchange for placement on Wit & Delight is used to purchase props, hire a photographer, write/edit the blog post, and support the larger team behind Wit & Delight.

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